Reverse osmosis water filtration systems

Puronics RO systems provide clean, fresh drinking water.

Puronics reverse osmosis systems harness cutting-edge RO filtration and Hydrotech’s expertise to supply refreshing hydration and quality to your every sip of water. Our RO systems remove over 95% of impurities that can compromise your health, reduce efficiency, and damage plumbing with alarming speed.

Every Hydrotech reverse osmosis system is customized to your tap water’s unique properties through contaminant testing to determine the optimal multi-stage RO filtration for pure refreshment. We utilize sediment filters, carbon block filters, ion exchange resins, and activated carbon to eliminate heavy metals, pesticides, chlorine, lead, and other menaces threatening your well-being.

Producing 3 to 15 gallons per minute of 99% pure, fresh water endowed with exceptional taste and minerality, Hydrotech RO systems redefine refreshment and your standards for quality. A Delta P of 60 to 80 PSI powers undiluted hydration and performance, while awards for excellence in design, innovation, and dependability assure peace of mind with every cup.

Hydrotech engineers and technicians have decades of experience conceptualizing and implementing reverse osmosis solutions for homes and businesses of all types. We aim to fully comprehend the environments in which you work, play and thrive as we craft purification tech that seamlessly integrates while exceeding expectations. Seamless installation, comprehensive support, and warranties of up to 10 years on RO systems and five years on components ensure refreshing joy and cost-effectiveness for years to come.

By replacing lackluster fountains, bottled water, and bottled beverages, an Hydrotech reverse osmosis system improves wellness, reduces waste, and provides savings that transcend any measure. Better yet, with the assurance of contaminant-free, great-tasting refreshment always at hand, life’s moments become more jubilant moments well and truly enjoyed, remembered, and shared.

Innovation, experience, integrated expertise, and passion for excellence – these attributes compose Hydrotech’s RO solutions and your solution for pure bliss with every drink. They push the boundaries of possibility and constantly raise the standard for refreshment, value, and the overall experience of quenching thirst in style.

Hydrotech Reverse Osmosis – Redrawing the lines between ordinary and extraordinary. Between good and great!

Our RO systems inspire refreshment redefined, responsible enjoyment, and results that reimagine possibility. Contact our team today to explore innovations that will revolutionize your world, one refreshment at a time. Refreshment, reinvented – with Hydrotech RO, every drink is an occasion to remember.

Contact us for more information on contaminant testing, custom configuration, and financing options tailored to suit diverse needs and budgets. Hydrotech – refreshing progress. Drink in the difference.