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Water Filtration Puronics & myRO Systems Explained for Homes in Clermont, FL

We know you. As a new homeowner in Clermont, it can be quite confusing to select the ideal filtration systems with so many options on the market. Well, fear not! As your trusted local provider, HydrotechFL uses only the highest-quality Puronics and myRO systems tailored for our area’s unique water challenges. 

Let’s take a closer look at how these innovative solutions work, the issues they address, and why they offer exceptional value for central Florida residences. Knowledge is power, so understanding the technology empowers you to partner with us toward optimized hydration suited to your needs.

Puronics Water Softening

From the industry-leading brand comes Puronics softeners reducing hard water problems at their source. They function through ion exchange – as water passes resin beads, calcium/magnesium ions attach while beneficial sodium replaces them.

This process effectively prevents damage from scale deposits left by hard water on fixtures and appliances. Removing hardness also restores cleaning products’ full dissolving power, reducing soap scum and the need for double-dosing detergents. 

Puronics Systems uses only the highest-grade AmeriWater resin and components for maximum softening capacity and dependability. Self-cleaning capabilities ensure consistent performance without wasting salt or electricity over a unit’s lifetime.

myRO Reverse Osmosis

For an extra layer of protection or where dissolved solids exceed 500 ppm TDS, adding a myRO reverse osmosis system provides ultra-purified drinking water. It uses a semi-permeable membrane filter to remove contaminants.

While RO eliminates essentially all dissolved compounds, minerals, heavy metals, and other potential issues, it wastes 75% of the water produced. myRO counters this through efficient design and a storage tank granting on-demand purified H2O from any faucet instead of running to waste.

Paired with a Puronics softener as pre-treatment, a myRO system protects against even trace elements that may persist. Softened supply water entering the RO membrane extends filter life significantly too. Conditioning prevents premature clogging that manufacturers don’t cover.

HydrotechFL custom-designs each system – whether Puronics-only softening a whole-home, or incorporating myRO technology too. We guarantee proper sizing, installation excellence, and programming optimized for Clermont’s specific water makeup from day one.

Contact us today for a complimentary analysis. HydrotechFL ensures an affordable, tailored solution, not an overpriced product. Your hydration, health, and investment have our full attention. Quality water is our priority.