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Keeping Pets Hydrated: The Importance of Filtered Water in Windermere

As pet owners in Windermere, we want the best for our furry companions. Part of ensuring their health and happiness involves keeping them properly hydrated. While pets naturally drink water on their own, the quality of what comes out of our taps can negatively impact them if left untreated. Let’s take a closer look at why filtered water is crucial for pet wellness – especially if you live in our area with hard mineral-laden water sources.

Quality Over Quantity 

It may be tempting to assume that as long as pets have unlimited access to water, their hydration needs are met. But the reality is that hard water can deter dogs and cats from drinking sufficient amounts due to its unappealing taste and texture. Not only that, but excessive minerals are not good for their delicate kidneys and bladders in the long run. 

Dangers of Dissolved Substances

Just as Windermere’s limestone bedrock gives us hard water issues in our own homes, it also affects the quality of water that pets consume. High levels of calcium, magnesium, and other dissolved solids add unnecessary toxins that can accumulate in their systems over time if allowed. Potential health impacts include:

– Kidney and bladder stones: Hardness minerals may precipitate into solid formations that cause painful blockages. This is especially risky for certain breeds.

– Organ damage: Concentrated minerals strain vital organs like the kidneys as they work to naturally remove the extra burden from the bloodstream.

– Gastrointestinal upset: Hard water does not sit well in some sensitive pet stomachs and may induce vomiting or diarrhea. 

– Dehydration: As mentioned, the unappealing taste means pets often avoid consuming hard water as their primary fluid intake.

A small French bulldog plays with and takes a drink from a garden sprinkler

Better Hydration with Filtered Water

To help prevent these health issues that stem from poor-quality hydration sources, pet parents in Windermere are wise to use a water filtration system. Whether it’s a pitcher filter for the bowl or a whole-home system, filter options are affordable and remove upwards of 98% of dissolved contaminants:

– Calcium and magnesium ions pass safely through while staying in liquid form instead of crystallizing. 

– Many filters also reduce heavy metals like lead in older plumbing systems. 

– Chlorine levels decrease to safer amounts. 

– Bad tastes and odors disappear, encouraging pets to hydrate adequately.  

– Kidney and bladder health is protected long-term from toxic mineral buildup in the body.

Notably, any filter should be graded for both humans and pets to ensure it captures substances that could still pose risks at reduced levels. Replacing cartridges per the manufacturer keeps the system maximally effective.

Filter Benefits Beyond the Bowl

The hydration payoff of using filtered water extends beyond what pets drink. Properly filtered water also has advantages for other aspects of pet care provided around the home:

– Baths are less drying on fur and skin without hardness residues left behind. 

– Grooming is easier with detangling and fewer mineral spots to obstruct shining coats. 

– Renal and urinary diets mixed with filtered water are more effective for bladder and kidney concerns.

– Household cleaning supplies and solutions are optimally effective without hard water interference.

Overall, pet parents gain hydration security and peace of mind knowing their furry family members have consistent access to the purest, healthiest water available right from the tap. Their quality of life and reduced veterinary costs further justify this simple filtered upgrade.

Making the Switch in Windermere

A local pet supply shop, recommends the following top options to begin furnishing filtered water for pets in Windermere homes:

– Berkey Big Berk Filter: Excellent whole-home gravity-flow system removes pathogens and minerals without electricity. Integrates seamlessly with existing plumbing. 

– ZeroWater Pitcher Filter: Affordable countertop solution with replacement cartridges lasting several refills. Ideal for one or two pets. BPA-free and tests for 0 PPM TDS.

– Culligan 5-Stage Drinking Water System: Under sink reverse osmosis system designed for humans and pets. Makes 50 gallons of pure water per day. LED status indicator.

– Aquagear Under Sink Water Filter: Compact design delivers filtered water directly to bowls and fountains. Removes up to 99% of contaminants like debris, lead, and chlorine. 

A dog being washed on the side of a metal tub in a small garden at home

Fresh, clean hydration is too crucial a component of pet health and happiness to leave to chance. By outfitting your Windermere home with a reliable water filtration system certified for both humans and pets, you give your furry BFFs an easy way to stay optimally hydrated every day without added toxin burdens. Their urinary and kidney function will thank you, as will their playful spirits!

Contact your friendly pet professionals at HydrotechFL today for recommendations on giving your pet the purest water possible right from the tap. It’s a simple lifestyle upgrade that pays huge dividends in quality of life down the road. Your beloved furry family members deserve nothing less.